Alphabetical Index
Abracadabra to Zombis
abracadabra | acupuncture | ad hoc
hypothesis | Afrocentrism | Akashic record | alchemy | alien
abductions | allopathy | alphabiotics | alpha waves | altered states of consciousness | alternative health practices | amulet | Amway | ancient astronauts | angels | angel
therapy | anomaly | anthropometry | anthroposophy | appeal to authority | applied kinesiology | apport | Area 51 |
argument from design | argument from ignorance | aromatherapy | astral
body | astral projection | astrology | astrotherapy | atheism | Atlantis | auras |
aura therapy | Avatar | Ayurvedic
Bach's flower therapy
| backward (satanic) messages | Barnum effect | Bermuda
triangle | the Bible Code | Bigfoot | biorhythms | Madame
Blavatsky | Blondlot | the "blue sense" | Bridey Murphy | bunyips
the Cabala | the
Cardiff Giant | "Carlos" | cartomancy | cattle
mutilations | EdgarCayce | The Celestine Prophecy | cellular memory | chakras | charms |
chelation therapy | Ch'i Kung (QiGong) | channeling | chiromancy | chiropractic | chupacabras | clairaudience | clairvoyance | the
clustering illusion | codependency |
cold reading | collective hallucinations | collective unconscious | communal reinforcement | confabulation | confirmation bias | conjuring | coning | control
study | A Course in Miracles | craniometry | craniosacral therapy | cranioscopy | creationism and creation science | crop circles | Aleister Crowley | cryptomnesia | cryptozoology | crystals | cults
von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods |
de ja vu | deport
| dermo-optical perception | design, argument from | determinism | DHEA | dianetics |
divination | the
divine fallacy | Jeane Dixon | The Dogon and Sirius II | double-blind test | dowsing | dreams |
dualism | ear
candling | ehf (extraordinaryhuman
function) | electromagnetic fields | empiricism | enneagram | E-rays |
Erhard, Werner | ESP |
est | evil eye | exorcism | extraterrestrials | Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
the face on Mars | facilitated communication | fairies | false
memories | feng shui | fetishes | firewalking | flying
saucers | Forer effect | Charles Fort and the Forteans | fortune telling | free will | Freud
and psychoanalysis | Dr. Fritz | gambler's fallacy | ganzfeld experiment | Uri Geller | geomancy | ghosts
| glossolalia | God
| graphology | Gurdjieff
haunted houses | herbal fuel | Barond'Holbach | holistic medicine | Holocaust denial | homeopathy | Jean
Houston and the Mystery School | Hubbard, L. Ron & Scientology | the hundredth monkey phenomenon | hypnosis | the I
Ching | the ideomotor effect | incantation | Inset
Fuel Stabilizer | invocation | IQ and race | iridology | jamais
vu | joy touch | Jung | Kabalah | Kabbalarian Philosophy |
karma | Kirlian photography | Knight, J.Z. |koro |
Landmark Forum | law of truly large numbers | Frederick Lenz | ley
lines | lie detector | levitation | Loch Ness
monster | lucid dreaming | Lysenkoism | lycanthropy
| magick | manifesting | the Marfa lights | the"Mars Effect" | materialism | Mapinguari | massage
therapy | memory | Men in Black | mentalist | mesmerism | metoposcopy | Microsoft
IE Explorer | The New Millennium | mind | mind-control
| miracles | mokele
mbembe | Raymond Moody | (full) moon | Multi-frequency Detectors (MFDs) | Multi-level Marketing (MLM) | Multi-level Marketing (MLM) harassment | multiple personality disorder | Myers-Briggs
natural | naturalism | naturopathy | nazism
and Holocaust denial | near-death
experiences | neurolinguistic
programming | New AgeTherapies | Noah's Ark | Nostradamus | numerology | Occam's
razor | occult & occultism | occult statistics | ontology | optional
starting and stopping | oracles | orgone energy | Ouija
board | Ouspensky | out-of-body experience
pagans | palmistry | pantheism | paranormal | parapsychology | pareidolia | past
life regression | pathological science
| Piltdown Hoax | penile plethysmograph | pentagram | The
Philadelphia Experiment | the
philosopher's stone | phrenology | physiognomy | placebo
effect | Pleiadians | poltergeists | polygraph | positivism | post
hoc fallacy | prana | precognition | pseudohistory | pseudoscience | psi |
psi-missing | the
Psi-Tronics Super-Sensor Dowsing Rod | psychic | psychic
detectives | psychic surgery | psychic photography | psychoanalysis | psychokinesis | psychometry | psychology | pyramid
schemes, chain letters, & Ponzi schemes | The Quadro Tracker
The Randi Psychic Challenge | Rama | Ramtha
| reflexology | regressive fallacy | Wilhelm Reich | reiki
| reincarnation | remote viewing | repressed memory | repressed memory therapy | retrocognition | retrospective falsification | reverse speech | rolfing | Rorschach
ink blot test | Roswell | runes
Sai Baba | Santa
Claus | Sasquatch | satan | satanic ritual
abuse | Gordon-Michael Scallion | scapulimancy | Schopenhauer, Arthur | science in fiction | scientism | scientology | scrying | selective
thinking | self-deception | shark cartilage as a cancer cure | shotgunning | shroud of Turin | Zecharia Sitchin | philosophical skepticism | slick 50& other oil additives | the Sokal hoax | Sollog | sorcerers
| souls | spell |
spiritualism | spontaneous human combustion | Rudolph Steiner | stichomancy | stigmata | subliminal | substance
abuse treatment | sympathetic
magic | synchronicity
tachyons & takionics | talisman | tantra | tarot cards | Charles
Tart | telekinesis | telepathy | teleportation | testimonials | theosophy | therapeutic
touch | trance writing | Transcendental Meditation (TM) | true-believer syndrome | the unconscious mind | unicorns | Unidentified Flying Objects [UFOs] | the Urantia Book | urine
therapy | vampires | Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision | vitalism | von D舅
iken's Chariots of the Gods | Waldorf Schools |
Joel D. Wallach, "The Mineral
Doctor" | werewolf | wicca | wishful
thinking | witches | Yeti | yin-yang |
zombis & p-zombies